Motivation and Reasons to study

Are you aiming big? But can’t study to achieve them. Are you feeling dull and demotivated? I will share some ideas, quote, tips and tricks that will motivate you to study hard and achieve the big AIMS. So, pin this blog to your bookmarks this will surely help you.

Difference between a pass or fail

It is you who decides either you will pass, or you will fail. Your hard work and motivation will make a difference between your fail and pass.

You deserve better

 Failures are not a bad thing but if you don't learn from failures then this is a bad thing. You are struggling to achieve high targets and you deserve better. So, it is only you who can make better records not only for himself but also for his family, friends and loved ones.

To prove the haters wrong

This life is not the bed of roses. There is a lot of haters who try to demotivate you. One day you will achieve the aim and you will prove your haters wrong. If you don't want to prove any other wrong, then prove you are right. So, study hard to prove yourself right.

Procrastination is a thief of time

Life is short and you must do a lot of work. There is no tomorrow for those who want to achieve big targets. Never leave your work tomorrow. Today is your day and do the work by yourself. Some students are extremely productive at unimportant things and they think that they will do this easy task tomorrow and this tomorrow never comes. So, never do tomorrow what you have the potential to do it today.
Push yourself
Push yourself because there is no one who can push you throughout your life. Some students are Dhaka start and they need a little push from someone like his parents who can force him to study. This is not permanent, and, in the end, you must do it yourself. So never rely on anyone for this little push.
Lame excuses
 I will study tomorrow. I will study right after this task. I don't have time today etc. Those all are lame excuses. 

If something means a lot to you, you will find many ways to do it. If PUBG is important to you then you will find some time to play the game. Similarly, if the study is important to you, you will find a way and time to study. And if your aims and targets are not important to you, you will find an excuse.

An expert was a beginner

If you wanted to be the expert and master of the field, then you must start from scratch. Keep in mind
“Every expert was once a beginner.”
 This is your motivation if you have big AIMS.

It's impossible

 Some students aim big, but they think this is a mountain and they can't climb it. Everything seems impossible until it is done.
“Even the word impossible is I m possible.”

So, nothing is impossible in this world, your hard work can make it possible.
And at the and Karen Lamb said for those students who need to think about the future. He said
"A year from now youll wish you had started today."

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