Freelancer 5 Mindset hacks to implement

At the age of 19, I attended Accountancy school and started CA. It was more common at the time for those in my classes to have fun straight out of college. I decided to utilize my time for more creative and high paid activity. I choose freelancing path a self-employment path one where I did not receive a paycheque every week and my income was directly related to my productivity work and self-motivation.

To be successful the right mindset is a must. To be successful in a business or profession you must know that how much you get paid. I've extracted the following hacks from my freelancer mindset and those hacks will give you the push you need at the time to be successful.


One of the biggest mistakes I see for those who are paid through the freelance market place is not setting boundaries with their clients. Your client's will abide by what you set upfront for example if you state you only answer calls from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday your clients will not expect a call to answer unless it is an emergency same with email set up dates and times you will return message or you will be expected to be available to your clients 24/7.

Be your Boss 

When you work for someone you have specific things for days and times to be in or out of the office. You get a lunch break and you have a task list of item to complete every day this is critical to your success 


when someone is not expecting you at the office or you do not get a call if you do not show up to work you will often have to learn self motivate.

 How? Know what your motivation is to work. For someone, it is the income so they can take care of themselves and their loved ones. For others, it could be a passion and purpose for what they do. For others, it will be all of these and more make sure you know what your motivation is for those days. You just not feel like working.


When you work for someone you are held accountable to your job duties goals and more make sure to take time to set up your accountability and goals. It is much easier to succeed when you know what success looks like for you. Make financial goals the amount of product are clients you will work with goals and future goals. When a task for opportunity shows itself that it is not directly related to your goal, revisit it and make a decision that will benefit and you are wanting to accomplish.

If your strength is not holding yourself accountable find someone that will.

Know the value of your time

Figure out what your value is with the income you are making or want to make and break it down and this will help you make executive decisions to benefit your success. 

If you are making $100 an hour and are not working on putting together a flyer for an upcoming sale, You may want to hire someone who may cost you $30 an hour this is a big challenge for those who prefer trying to do everything themselves. When you figure out the value of your time you will then realize your time is valuable and should be spent on the toss and goals associated with the success you strive to achieve.


As a freelancer solopreneur, it is not important to step back from your business or profession but you should reevaluate how you are doing things.
 Do you use your time wisely or are you in a spiral of not making money and not reaching the success you desire? If so, make one small change that can have a positive impact on your success mindset.
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